During my studies, I had a blast exploring all sorts of fascinating subjects, but I never expected web development to catch my attention as much as it has. Building websites is just so much fun, and I sometimes get lost in the process for hours. It's safe to say that I'm pretty excited about the prospect of pursuing a career in web development - it's something that I'm really passionate about, and I can't wait to see where it takes me!

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Fictional Music Club Website

I designed and developed a website using Semantic UI and added JS functionality to. This included dark mode, JS plugins such as a carousel, a JSON array of objects and Handlebars to dynamically update the content on the website.

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Javascript Quiz Game

I developed an interactive website to show off my abilities of the following concepts: string manipulation, functions, arrays, event listeners, DOM manipulation, Iteration, conditional statements, operators

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Wordpress Portfolio

Using the Wordpress editor, I designed a personal portfolio.

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Music @ SETU

I taught myself how to use Bootstrap and utilized it to create a sleek, modern website with a visually appealing design.